A hug can mean so much when you feel lost or confused

A hug can mean so much when you feel lost or confused

Thursday 10 March 2011


Don't give up on the one thing God has placed within you to share!

Often times we let our past control our present, especially when it comes to relationships. Because the ex hurt us we feel like we can never love again because of fear and the unknown of how things will end. When we have faith we unknowingly hold on to a promise, the same should be for a new relationship. Not knowing what’s to come, yet still loving like you’ve never been hurt. I can’t seem to count how many times I’ve been hurt, but love another as though I’ve never been hurt before. You determine your happiness, whether you see yourself further than where you are now.

Ask yourself this...What if God was to give up on working on me when I hurt him with sin? How would I fee.

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